What does mean in HTML

What does mean in HTML

In HTML, the # symbol is commonly used for different purposes. It can serve as an identifier for elements, a way to create anchor links, and a method for defining colors. Let’s explore each of these uses in more detail.

Using # as an Identifier

In HTML, the # symbol is often used as an identifier to target specific elements on a webpage. This is commonly seen when using CSS to style elements based on their unique IDs. The # symbol is followed by the ID of the element you want to target.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    #hello {
      color: blue;
  <p id="hello"># Example: how2html.com</p>


What does # mean in HTML

In the example above, the <p> element with an ID of “hello” will have its text color set to blue using CSS. The #hello selector targets the element with the ID of “hello”.

Creating Anchor Links

Another common use of the # symbol in HTML is to create anchor links within a webpage. By using the # symbol followed by the ID of an element, you can create links that jump to a specific section of the page when clicked.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <h1 id="top">Top of the Page</h1>
  <p>Scroll down to see the anchor link in action.</p>
  <a href="#top">Back to Top</a>


What does # mean in HTML

In this example, clicking on the “Back to Top” link will scroll the page back to the element with the ID of “top”. This is a common technique used for creating smooth scrolling navigation on a webpage.

Defining Colors

The # symbol is also used in CSS to define colors using hexadecimal notation. Hexadecimal colors are composed of a # symbol followed by a combination of six characters that represent the red, green, and blue values of the color.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    body {
      background-color: #ffcc00;
  <h1>This is a heading</h1>
  <p>Example of using hexadecimal color code: how2html.com</p>


What does # mean in HTML

In this example, the background color of the <body> element is set to a shade of yellow using the hexadecimal color code #ffcc00. This allows for precise control over the colors used in a webpage.

These examples demonstrate the various ways in which the # symbol is used in HTML for identifying elements, creating anchor links, and defining colors. By understanding the different uses of # in HTML, web developers can create more dynamic and visually appealing websites.


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